1. 埃隆-馬斯克以 330 億美元的價格將 X 公司出售給自己的 xAI 公司,全股票交易 07:26 Elon Musk sells X to his own xAI for 33B in all-stock deal (www.politico.com)
2. 特朗普的 TikTok-Oracle 交易可能觸犯法律--但沒人能阻止他 03-22 Trump’s TikTok-Oracle deal could break the law — but nobody can stop him (www.politico.com)
3. 特朗普的炒作如何打破擁有 110 年曆史的美國聯邦貿易委員會? 03-20 How Trump’s firings could break the 110-year-old FTC (www.politico.com)
6. 寬帶高官離職商務部,馬斯克發出尖銳警告 03-17 Top broadband official exits Commerce Department with sharp Musk warning (www.politico.com)
7. 沒有保證斯科特-貝森特不排除經濟衰退的可能性 03-16 ‘There are no guarantees’: Scott Bessent won''t rule out a recession (www.politico.com)
8. 白宮認真考慮甲骨文運營 TikTok 的交易 03-16 White House seriously considering deal from Oracle to run TikTok (www.politico.com)
10. 特朗普的商業頭腦一直是他的鎧甲。這一點正在經受考驗。 03-11 Trump’s business acumen has long been his armor. It’s being put to the test. (www.politico.com)
12. 私人月球登陸器側向降落在月球南極附近的隕石坑後宣告死亡 03-08 Private lunar lander is declared dead after landing sideways in a crater near the moon’s south pole (www.politico.com)
13. 吉姆-喬丹繼續瘋狂傳喚社交媒體平臺 03-07 Jim Jordan continues subpoena spree of social media platforms (www.politico.com)
14. 特朗普提出的 CHIPS 要求給國會帶來 520 億美元的麻煩 03-07 Trump’s CHIPS demand creates a 52 billion headache for Congress (www.politico.com)
15. 政府數據管理辦公室(DOGE)對政府數據的攫取使水門事件引發的法律變得捉襟見肘 03-06 DOGE’s play for government data is straining a law inspired by Watergate (www.politico.com)
17. 他終於開槍打死了人質特朗普的貿易戰是一次殘酷的現實檢驗 03-05 ‘He Finally Shot the Hostage’: Trump’s Trade War Is a Brutal Reality Check (www.politico.com)
18. 特朗普將如何扭轉拜登的反壟斷革命企圖 03-04 How Trump Will Reverse Biden’s Attempted Antitrust Revolution (www.politico.com)
19. 特朗普向國會發表聯合講話的七大看點 03-04 7 things to watch for during Trump’s joint address to Congress (www.politico.com)
20. 北京的通貨緊縮困境:物價下跌預示中國經濟將面臨更大問題 03-04 Beijing’s deflation dilemma: Falling prices signal bigger troubles ahead for China’s economy (www.politico.com)
21. 臺灣芯片製造商臺積電宣佈在美國新增 1000 億美元投資 03-04 Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC announces new 100B investment in US (www.politico.com)
23. 理查德-格林納爾在 CPAC 上接受 POLITICO 採訪的全文 02-22 Full interview with Richard Grenell POLITICO at CPAC (www.politico.com)
24. 特朗普談及第三次連任,人們對憲政危機的擔憂與日俱增 02-22 Trump talks of a third term amid growing concerns about a constitutional crisis (www.politico.com)
25. 史蒂夫-班農在 CPAC 複製了埃隆-馬斯克備受爭議的 "敬禮 "動作 02-22 Steve Bannon replicates Elon Musk''s controversial ''salute'' at CPAC (www.politico.com)
26. 抵制特朗普還是與他合作?這位州長說你可以兩者兼顧。 02-21 To resist Trump or work with him? This governor says you can do both. (www.politico.com)
27. 馬斯克在 CPAC 大會上獲得熱烈歡呼和一把電鋸 02-21 Musk gets big cheers — and a chainsaw — at CPAC (www.politico.com)
28. 尼拉-坦登(Neera Tanden)重返美國進步中心。她認為民主黨人還有很多工作要做。 02-21 Neera Tanden is returning to the Center for American Progress. She thinks Democrats have work to do. (www.politico.com)
30. POLITICO 編輯總監 Ryan Hutchins 在 POLITICO 2025 州長峰會上發言 02-21 POLITICO''s Editorial Director Ryan Hutchins speaks at POLITICO''s 2025 Governors Summit (www.politico.com)
31. 肯塔基州州長貝希爾訪談全文 POLITICO 2025 州長峰會 02-21 Full interview with Kentucky Gov. Beshear POLITICO Governors Summit 2025 (www.politico.com)
32. 俄克拉荷馬州州長斯蒂特訪談全文 POLITICO 2025 州長峰會 02-21 Full interview with Oklahoma Gov. Stitt POLITICO Governors Summit 2025 (www.politico.com)
33. 賈裡德-波利斯政府專家組正在 "推倒重來,卻不一定有更有效的方法"。 02-21 Jared Polis: DOGE is ''tearing down the old without necessarily having a more efficient way of doing it'' (www.politico.com)
34. 波利斯州長地方官員不應 "成為聯邦政府的延伸 02-20 Gov. Polis: Local officers shouldn''t ''become an extension of the federal government'' (www.politico.com)
35. 民主黨州長解釋為何支持小肯尼迪競選衛生與健康部長 02-20 Democratic governor explains endorsement of RFK Jr. for HHS Secretary (www.politico.com)
36. 科羅拉多州州長賈裡德-波利斯接受 POLITICO 2025 州長峰會採訪全文 02-20 Full interview with Colorado Gov. Jared Polis POLITICO''s Governors Summit 2025 (www.politico.com)
37. 貝希爾民主黨 "必須像真正的人一樣與人交談 02-20 Beshear: The Democratic party has ''got to talk to people like real human beings'' (www.politico.com)
38. 安迪-貝希爾民主黨人需要 "像真人一樣 "說話才能贏得選舉 02-20 Andy Beshear: Democrats need to talk ‘like real human beings’ to win elections (www.politico.com)
39. 特朗普時代,紅州和藍州的州長都面臨政策危險 02-20 Governors in both red and blue states are facing policy peril in Trump era (www.politico.com)
41. 特朗普稱華盛頓是一座 "骯髒 "和 "腐朽 "的城市。他正試圖按照自己的形象重塑華盛頓。 02-16 Trump called Washington a city of ‘filth'' and ''decay.’ He’s trying to remake it in his image. (www.politico.com)
42. 民主黨在網絡信息戰中輸給了特朗普和馬斯克 02-16 Dems are losing the online information battle to Trump and Musk (www.politico.com)
43. 工會提起訴訟,阻止性別平等辦公室獲取聯邦數據 02-11 Unions sue to stop DOGE from accessing federal data (www.politico.com)
45. 特朗普削減拜登參加安全簡報會的機會以示報復 02-08 Trump cuts Biden access to security briefings as payback (www.politico.com)
46. 特朗普趕走了民主黨最高競選財務監管者。她說這是非法的。 02-08 Trump ousted the top Democratic campaign finance regulator. She says it''s illegal. (www.politico.com)
48. 在國防部獲取敏感數據後,民主黨攻擊埃隆-馬斯克 02-07 Dems attack Elon Musk after DOGE gains access to sensitive data (www.politico.com)
49. 埃隆-馬斯克給唐納德-特朗普帶來了新的弱點 02-06 Elon Musk presents a new vulnerability for Donald Trump (www.politico.com)
52. 埃隆-馬斯克與託德-楊私下交談,未要求對圖爾西-加巴德作出保證 02-03 Elon Musk spoke privately with Todd Young, did not ask for guarantee on Tulsi Gabbard (www.politico.com)
53. 洛杉磯時報》被作者指責 "歪曲 "了一篇專欄文章--其方式與所有者支持 RFK 的觀點一致 02-01 LA Times accused by writer of ‘distorting’ an op-ed – in a way that aligns with owner''s pro-RFK views (www.politico.com)
56. 不,謝謝OpenAI 創始人拒絕了埃隆-馬斯克收購非營利組織的提議 02-11 ‘No thank you’: OpenAI founder rejects Elon Musk’s reported bid to buy nonprofit (www.politico.com)
57. 他們做足了功課馬斯克對華盛頓發動數字攻擊的意外威力 02-05 ''They''ve done their homework'': The unexpected power of Musk''s digital assault on Washington (www.politico.com)
58. 眾議員阿德里安-史密斯美國需要 "積極有效地 "徵收關稅 02-05 Rep. Adrian Smith: US needs to be ''aggressive and effective'' with tariffs (www.politico.com)
59. 白宮貿易主管稱特朗普將 "改變 "經濟結構 02-05 White House trade chief says Trump will ''structurally shift'' the economy (www.politico.com)
60. 前 "會見新聞界 "主持人查克-託德離開 NBC 新聞臺 02-01 Chuck Todd, former ‘Meet the Press’ host, leaving NBC News (www.politico.com)
61. 我不認為他們會得到他們想要的戰鬥。特朗普與國會和法院的首次衝突內幕 01-31 ''I don''t think they''re going to get the battle that they want.'' Inside Trump’s first clashes with Congress and the courts (www.politico.com)
62. 與特朗普有關聯的遊說公司報告新客戶潮 01-30 Lobbying firms tied to Trump report wave of new clients (www.politico.com)
63. 特朗普的億萬富豪大軍準備顛覆華盛頓:"我們正處於一個利益衝突後的世界 01-30 Trump''s billionaire brigade poised to upend Washington: ‘We are in a post-conflicts-of-interest world’ (www.politico.com)
64. 特朗普的億萬富翁大軍會像科技創業公司一樣管理美國嗎? 01-29 Will Trump’s billionaire brigade run America like a tech startup? (www.politico.com)
66. 特朗普計劃以新名稱顛覆公務員制度的進步 01-28 Trump plan to upend civil service advances under new name (www.politico.com)
67. 離開華盛頓一週,道格-艾默霍夫重返法律職業生涯 01-28 One week out of Washington, Doug Emhoff returns to legal career (www.politico.com)
68. 民主黨高層此次將置身於特朗普的憤怒週期之外 01-27 Top Democrats are staying out of the Trump outrage cycle this time (www.politico.com)
69. 我很害怕工作人員描述聯邦機構內部的黑暗情緒 01-26 ‘I am terrified’: Workers describe the dark mood inside federal agencies (www.politico.com)
70. 卡馬拉-哈里斯就其下一步行動發出重大信號 01-24 Kamala Harris provides a big signal about her next move (www.politico.com)
71. 以尖刻詼諧著稱的普利策獲獎漫畫家和作家朱爾斯-費弗去世,享年 95 歲 01-22 Jules Feiffer, Pulitzer-winning cartoonist and writer known for lacerating wit, dies at 95 (www.politico.com)
72. 特朗普計劃發佈的行政命令、行動、公告和立法一覽表 01-22 A running list of Trump''s planned executive orders, actions, proclamations and legislation (www.politico.com)
74. 觀看:拜登在特朗普宣誓就職儀式後離開華盛頓 01-21 Watch: Biden leaves Washington after Trump''s swearing-in ceremony (www.politico.com)
76. 為什麼特朗普的支持者能從特朗普陰暗而不祥的演講中看到陽光? 01-20 Why Trump supporters see sunshine in Trump’s dark and foreboding speeches (www.politico.com)
77. 洛杉磯大火後,特朗普表示 "很可能 "下週前往加州 01-19 Trump says he will ‘probably’ travel to California next week after LA fires (www.politico.com)
79. 民主黨希望為 LGBTQ 運動注入新的活力 01-17 Democrats look to inject fresh energy into the LGBTQ movement (www.politico.com)
80. 民主黨全國委員會領導人候選人邁克爾-布萊克談民主黨需要什麼才能令人興奮 01-17 DNC leadership candidate Michael Blake talks what Dems need to be exciting (www.politico.com)
81. 民主黨全國委員會主席候選人稱民主黨需要一位 "戰時站穩腳跟 "的領導人 01-17 DNC chair candidate says Dems need a leader for ''wartime footing'' (www.politico.com)
82. 拜登是否應該早點退出?民主黨全國委員會副主席候選人回應 01-17 Should Biden have dropped out earlier? DNC candidates for vice chair respond (www.politico.com)
83. 美國共和黨民調顯示,肯普在佐治亞州參議員假設對決中擊敗奧索夫 01-17 GOP poll shows Kemp beating Ossoff in hypothetical Georgia Senate matchup (www.politico.com)
84. 民主黨全國委員會和 POLITICO 舉辦中西部地區國家官員論壇 01-17 DNC and POLITICO host Midwest Regional National Officer Forum (www.politico.com)
85. 斯泰西-艾布拉姆斯(Stacey Abrams)創辦的團體就非法支持其競選活動一案達成和解 01-16 Stacey Abrams-founded group settles case over illegal support for her campaign (www.politico.com)
86. 特朗普下令凍結聯邦資金後出現 "混亂和困惑 01-29 ‘Chaos and confusion’ follow Trump''s order to freeze federal dollars (www.politico.com)
87. 功能強大的中國新人工智能應用對華盛頓意味著什麼? 01-28 What that powerful new Chinese AI app means for Washington (www.politico.com)
88. 馬斯克毀掉人工智能項目後,特朗普幕僚 "勃然大怒 01-24 Trump staff ‘furious’ after Musk trashes AI project (www.politico.com)
89. 班農斥責馬斯克攻擊特朗普的人工智能基礎設施項目 01-23 Bannon berates Musk over his attacks on Trump’s AI infrastructure project (www.politico.com)
92. 特朗普向 TikTok 施以援手,美國共和黨對華鷹派噤若寒蟬 01-23 GOP China hawks mum as Trump throws TikTok a lifeline (www.politico.com)
93. 特朗普簽署行政命令給予 TikTok 延期 01-21 Trump signs executive order to give TikTok extension (www.politico.com)
96. TikTok 回來了TikTok迴歸美國用戶,感謝特朗普 01-20 TikTok’s back: App thanks Trump as it returns for US users (www.politico.com)
100. 萊爾-佈雷納德的 "危機管理機構"--以及她對特朗普的警告 01-19 Lael Brainard''s ‘Crisis Management Agency’ — and Her Warning For Trump (www.politico.com)
101. TikTok 的競爭對手 RedNote 和 Lemon8 令國會感到困惑 01-19 TikTok rivals RedNote and Lemon8 flummox Congress (www.politico.com)
102. TikTok 在最後關頭向拜登施壓,稱將 "停播 01-18 TikTok pressures Biden at last minute, says it will ‘go dark’ (www.politico.com)
103. 最高法院維持禁止 TikTok 的法律後,中國鷹派希望達成協議 01-18 China hawks hope for deal after Supreme Court upholds law to ban TikTok (www.politico.com)
105. 太空探索技術公司(SpaceX)在最新的 "星際飛船 "測試中,火箭助推器在發射臺被卡住,飛船丟失 01-17 SpaceX loses spacecraft after catching rocket booster at the launch pad in latest Starship test (www.politico.com)
106. 還有 72 小時,TikTok 禁令讓華盛頓陷入混亂 01-17 With 72 hours to go, TikTok ban sends Washington scrambling (www.politico.com)
108. 前伯尼-桑德斯競選團隊經理法伊茲-沙克爾參加民主黨全國委員會主席競選 01-15 Former Bernie Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir enters DNC Chair race (www.politico.com)
109. 班農敦促特朗普消除政府的 "武器化 01-14 Bannon urges Trump to eradicate ''weaponization'' of government (www.politico.com)
112. 班農稱 "2025 計劃 "的影響力 "醞釀多年 01-14 Bannon calls Project 2025''s influence ''years in the making'' (www.politico.com)
113. 特朗普讓共和黨成為了一個大帳篷黨。現在,他被內訌困住了。 01-14 Trump made the GOP a big-tent party. Now, he’s stuck with the infighting. (www.politico.com)
114. 與眾議員阿米-貝拉(Ami Bera)、OpenAI 等人就人工智能進行全面討論 Playbook:頭 100 天 01-15 Full panel on AI with Rep. Ami Bera, OpenAI and more Playbook: The First 100 Days (www.politico.com)
115. 柯蒂斯:如果國會設置人工智能警戒線,自由市場將 "瘋掉 01-15 Curtis: If Congress sets AI guardrails, free market will ''go crazy'' (www.politico.com)
116. 我們才剛剛起步":加密貨幣行業計劃如何重塑華盛頓 01-14 ‘We''re just getting started’: How the crypto industry plans to remake Washington (www.politico.com)
118. 在民主黨尋找新領導人之際,華盛頓顧問階層的刀口已經伸出 01-12 Knives come out for the D.C. consultant class as Democrats search for a new leader (www.politico.com)
119. 卡馬拉-哈里斯輸了。一些捐贈者仍在資助一場''勝利''。 01-12 Kamala Harris lost. Some donors are still funding a ‘victory.’ (www.politico.com)
123. 不要玩任何政治遊戲紐瑟姆回應特朗普的火災批評 01-09 ''Don''t play any politics'': Newsom responds to Trump''s fire criticism (www.politico.com)
126. 持懷疑態度的最高法院法官在加時賽中拷問 TikTok 01-11 Skeptical Supreme Court justices grill TikTok in extra time (www.politico.com)
127. 從 TikTok 最高法院聽證會上向華盛頓提出的 5 個問題 01-10 5 questions for Washington from TikTok’s Supreme Court hearing (www.politico.com)
128. 扎克伯格是在向特朗普下跪嗎?沒那麼簡單 01-08 Is Zuckerberg kneeling to Trump? It''s not so simple. (www.politico.com)
129. 扎克伯格宣佈 Meta 將削減事實核查項目 01-07 Zuckerberg announces Meta will slash fact-checking program (www.politico.com)
130. 韓國被彈劾總統在長達數小時的對峙後無視逮捕令 01-03 South Korea’s impeached president defies warrant after hourslong standoff (www.politico.com)
131. 曾短暫擔任佛羅里達州州長的民主黨人巴迪-麥凱去世,享年 91 歲 01-03 Buddy MacKay, a Democrat who briefly served as Florida’s governor, dead at 91 (www.politico.com)
132. 見見琳達-麥克馬洪,特朗普的教育部長人選 01-02 Meet Linda McMahon, Trump''s Education secretary pick (www.politico.com)
133. 克里斯-蘇努努仍然相信美國共和黨比唐納德-特朗普更強大 01-01 Chris Sununu still believes the GOP is bigger than Donald Trump (www.politico.com)
137. 特朗普似乎站在了馬斯克和科技盟友一邊,這場關於外籍員工的爭論讓他的支持者大受打擊 24-12-29 Trump appears to side with Musk, tech allies in debate over foreign workers roiling his supporters (www.politico.com)
138. 極右翼活動家勞拉-盧默(Laura Loomer)聲稱自己被埃隆-馬斯克停職了 24-12-28 Far-right activist Laura Loomer claims she was suspended on X by Elon Musk (www.politico.com)
139. 共和黨在移民問題上爆發爭論,MAGA 與科技界發生衝突 24-12-28 Republican brawl on immigration erupts as MAGA and tech world clash (www.politico.com)
140. 特朗普回擊對埃隆日益增長的影響力的攻擊 24-12-23 Trump pushes back on attacks over Elon''s growing influence (www.politico.com)
141. 在亞利桑那州的演講中,特朗普開玩笑說馬斯克 "不會成為總統"。 24-12-23 In Arizona speech, Trump jokes Musk is ‘not going to be president’ (www.politico.com)
142. 無法無天法律專家稱,特朗普的 TikTok 訴狀要求最高法院越權行事 01-01 ‘Lawless’: Trump’s TikTok brief asks Supreme Court to overreach, legal experts say (www.politico.com)
143. 特朗普要求最高法院推遲 TikTok 法律的實施 24-12-28 Trump asks Supreme Court to delay TikTok law (www.politico.com)
144. OpenAI 加強在華盛頓的影響力,宣傳能源與安全 24-12-28 OpenAI beefs up Washington presence with a pitch for energy and security (www.politico.com)
145. 隨著馬斯克的崛起,國會為高科技移民開闢新道路 24-12-27 With Musk ascendant, Congress eyes new path for high-tech immigrants (www.politico.com)
147. 斯蒂芬-米蘭成為特朗普領導經濟顧問委員會的人選 24-12-23 Stephen Miran is Trump''s pick to lead Council of Economic Advisers (www.politico.com)
149. 特朗普的警鐘共和黨人願意反抗他 24-12-21 Trump’s wake-up call: Republicans are willing to defy him (www.politico.com)
150. MAGA 的權力遊戲激怒了參議院共和黨競選團隊 24-12-20 A MAGA power play roils Senate GOP campaign groups (www.politico.com)
151. 美國共和黨頂級民調專家因財務管理不當指控被解僱 24-12-20 Top GOP pollster fired after financial mismanagement allegations (www.politico.com)
152. 特朗普的過渡期因私人郵件而起。聯邦官員很緊張。 24-12-19 Trump''s transition is happening over private emails. Federal officials are nervous. (www.politico.com)
153. 加拿大創新部長如何應對美國貿易戰 24-12-20 How Canada’s innovation minister is bracing for a US trade war (www.politico.com)
154. 卡馬拉-哈里斯敦促支持者 "繼續戰鬥 24-12-18 Kamala Harris urges supporters to ‘stay in the fight’ (www.politico.com)
156. 埃裡克-亞當斯的麻煩越來越多,就在他似乎在起訴後站穩腳跟的時候 24-12-17 Eric Adams’ troubles pile up, just as he seems to get his post-indictment footing (www.politico.com)
157. 特朗普在馬阿拉歌的自由記者會上的精彩發言 24-12-17 Highlights from Trump''s freewheeling Mar-a-Lago presser (www.politico.com)
158. 特朗普政府中的天主教徒可能會將美國共和黨帶向全新的方向 24-12-15 The Catholics in Trump''s administration could take GOP in whole new direction (www.politico.com)
159. 特朗普任命頂級盟友理查德-格林納爾為 "特殊使命 "特使 24-12-15 Trump taps top ally Richard Grenell as envoy for ‘special missions’ (www.politico.com)
160. 特朗普任命德文-努內斯領導情報諮詢委員會 24-12-15 Trump picks Devin Nunes to lead Intelligence Advisory Board (www.politico.com)
162. 特朗普終止出生公民權的計劃可能由最高法院裁決 24-12-15 Trump’s plan to end birthright citizenship could be decided by the Supreme Court (www.politico.com)
163. 卡馬拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)的頂級民調專家表示,民主黨人需要改變應對特朗普第二任期的方法 24-12-14 Democrats need to change their approach to Trump''s second term, top Kamala Harris pollster says (www.politico.com)
164. 商會邀請美國共和黨再跳一支舞 24-12-13 The Chamber of Commerce asks the GOP for another dance (www.politico.com)
165. 現在她成了世界的麻煩":亞利桑那州的一些共和黨人對萊克前往華盛頓感到寬慰 24-12-13 ‘Now she’s the world’s problem’: Some Arizona Republicans relieved Lake is heading to Washington (www.politico.com)
166. 聯邦通信委員會無權威脅吊銷廣播許可證 24-12-16 ‘The FCC has no business threatening to take away broadcast licenses’ (www.politico.com)
167. 法院駁回 TikTok 在最高法院複審前停止執行美國潛在禁令的請求 24-12-15 Court denies TikTok’s request to halt enforcement of potential US ban until Supreme Court review (www.politico.com)
168. 特朗普將幾位億萬富翁及其矛盾帶到華盛頓 24-12-12 Trump''s bringing several billionaires — and their conflicts — to Washington (www.politico.com)
170. 沃倫談聯合健康保險公司首席執行官被殺:"人只能被逼到這一步 24-12-12 Warren on UnitedHealthcare CEO’s killing: ‘People can only be pushed so far’ (www.politico.com)
171. 特朗普希望終止出生公民權。這真的能實現嗎? 24-12-10 Trump wants to end birthright citizenship. Can that really happen? (www.politico.com)
172. 特朗普盟友對提名人選採取新策略:讓質疑者付出代價 24-12-10 Trump allies adopt new strategy for nominees: Make the doubters pay (www.politico.com)
175. 科技界的億萬富翁們正在獲得塑造華盛頓的機會。他們將如何利用這個機會? 24-12-11 Tech billionaires are getting their chance to shape Washington. Here’s what they’ll do with it. (www.politico.com)
176. 拜登:特朗普的稅收和關稅計劃是一個 "重大錯誤" 24-12-11 Biden: Trump’s tax and tariffs plans are a “major mistake” (www.politico.com)
177. 民主黨州長為特朗普做好準備,同時為 2028 年播下種子 24-12-08 Democratic governors brace for Trump, while planting seeds for 2028 (www.politico.com)
178. 經過一個月的悲痛,民主黨領導人在憤怒和疲憊之間徘徊 24-12-08 After a month of grieving, Democratic leaders are torn between anger and exhaustion (www.politico.com)
179. 帕姆-邦迪作為總檢察長將面臨道德困境 24-12-07 Pam Bondi will face an ethics quagmire as attorney general (www.politico.com)
180. 韓國總統稱不會再尋求實施戒嚴令,對焦慮 "真的很抱歉 24-12-07 South Korean president says he won’t seek to impose martial law again, ‘truly sorry’ for anxiety (www.politico.com)
182. 埃隆-馬斯克是援引露絲-巴德-金斯伯格的神秘親特朗普超級政治行動委員會的幕後推手 24-12-06 Elon Musk was behind mysterious pro-Trump super PAC that invoked Ruth Bader Ginsburg (www.politico.com)
183. 黑格塞斯說他不會退出,因為他在為特朗普的國防部人選而掙扎 24-12-06 Hegseth says he won’t withdraw as he struggles as Trump’s Defense pick (www.politico.com)
184. 黑格塞斯說他 "就在這場鬥爭中 "競選國防部長 24-12-06 Hegseth says he''s ''right here in this fight'' for defense secretary (www.politico.com)
185. 底特律市長髮起 2026 年密歇根州州長獨立競選 24-12-05 Detroit mayor launches independent 2026 run for Michigan governor (www.politico.com)
186. 特朗普的過渡本應是一次武力展示。結果呢? 24-12-04 Trump’s transition was supposed to be a show of force. What happened? (www.politico.com)
188. 危險 "還是 "改革者"?對卡什-帕特爾的反應紛至沓來 24-12-04 ''Dangerous'' or a ''reformer''?: Reactions to Kash Patel pour out (www.politico.com)
189. 特朗普任命查爾斯-庫什納為駐法國大使 24-12-01 Trump selects Charles Kushner as ambassador to France (www.politico.com)
190. 他不是管理者小肯尼迪的前工作人員談他如何管理 HHS 24-11-28 ‘He''s not a manager’: Former RFK Jr. staffers on how he''d run HHS (www.politico.com)
191. 這就是進步派與特朗普交戰的新策略 24-11-26 This is the new progressive strategy for warring with Trump (www.politico.com)
192. 哈里斯告訴她的顧問和盟友,她的政治選擇是開放的 24-11-25 Harris is telling her advisers and allies to keep her political options open (www.politico.com)
193. 民主黨人將如何阻止特朗普承諾的大規模驅逐行動 24-11-23 How Democrats will try to block Trump’s promise of mass deportations (www.politico.com)
196. 特朗普曾以 "荒謬 "為由迴避 "2025 計劃"。現在,他正在為他們配備人員。 24-11-22 Trump once shunned Project 2025 as ‘ridiculous.’ Now he''s staffing up with them. (www.politico.com)
199. 埃隆-馬斯克對斯蒂芬-米勒:華盛頓為高科技移民大戰做準備 24-12-02 Elon Musk vs. Stephen Miller: Washington preps for battle on high-tech immigration (www.politico.com)
200. 我們的最新民調顯示,特朗普獲勝後,選民對事物的看法大不相同 24-11-28 Trump voters feel very differently about things now that he’s won, our new poll shows (www.politico.com)
201. 專家組批評者:"不清楚他們如何能交付成果 24-11-22 DOGE critics: ''It’s not clear how they can deliver'' (www.politico.com)
205. 特朗普打擊移民的行動有望從第一天開始 24-11-18 Trump’s immigration crackdown is expected to start on Day 1 (www.politico.com)
206. 戰勝美國共和黨大潮的民主黨人敦促該黨關注 "餐桌問題 24-11-18 Dems who overcame GOP tide urge party to focus on ''kitchen-table issues'' (www.politico.com)
207. 卡馬拉-哈里斯在競選失敗時籌集了 10 億多美元。她仍在不斷向捐款人發出呼籲。 24-11-17 Kamala Harris raised 1B-plus in defeat. She’s still sending persistent appeals to donors. (www.politico.com)
208. 被提名白宮職位?猜測可能與工作本身一樣精彩 24-11-16 Name dropped for a White House job? The speculation could be as good as the job itself (www.politico.com)
209. 迪爾伯恩的阿拉伯裔美國人對哈里斯的失利感到平反 24-11-10 Dearborn’s Arab Americans feel vindicated by Harris’ loss (www.politico.com)
210. 我們知道即將發生什麼聯邦官員應對特朗普大選的 "非戰即逃 "策略 24-11-09 ‘We know what is coming’: Federal bureaucrats wrestle with fight-or-flight response to Trump election (www.politico.com)
212. 英國人眼中的選舉日?美國人在另一個層面上。 24-11-08 A Brit’s take on Election Day? Americans are on another level. (www.politico.com)
214. 可能帶來政策劇變的最有爭議的投票措施 24-11-02 Top contentious ballot measures that could bring drastic policy changes (www.politico.com)
215. 斯泰西-艾布拉姆斯是困擾佐治亞州總統選舉的幽靈 24-11-02 Stacey Abrams is the ghost haunting Georgia’s presidential vote (www.politico.com)
216. 羅根說他拒絕了哈里斯競選團隊的採訪條件 24-10-29 Rogan says he rejected Harris campaign’s interview conditions (www.politico.com)
217. 他們在他的委員會面前遊說立法。他們還僱用了他的兒子。 24-10-24 They were lobbying on legislation before his committee. They were also employing his son. (www.politico.com)
219. 校董會風波凸顯芝加哥市長任期動盪不安 24-10-13 School board fracas highlights Chicago mayor’s turbulent tenure (www.politico.com)
221. 颶風誤報將如何長期困擾美國人 24-10-11 How hurricane misinformation will haunt Americans longterm (www.politico.com)
223. 拜登譴責特朗普的 "謊言攻擊",密爾頓即將登陸 24-10-10 Biden decries Trump’s ‘onslaught of lies’ as Milton nears landfall (www.politico.com)
225. 一位支持哈里斯的首席執行官敦促民主黨人支持埃隆-馬斯克 24-11-15 A Harris-supporting CEO urges Democrats to back Elon Musk (www.politico.com)
228. 民主黨人對未來人類聯繫的誤解 24-11-09 What Democrats missed about the future of human connection (www.politico.com)
229. 還是經濟問題電視廣告告訴我們各競選團隊的結束語 24-11-06 It’s still the economy: What TV ads tell us about each campaign’s closing message (www.politico.com)
231. 混亂":微軟為未來幾天外國干預選舉做好準備 24-11-04 ‘Chaos and confusion’: Microsoft braces for foreign election interference in days ahead (www.politico.com)
232. 拜登的籌碼成就在資金真正到位之前就失去了支持 24-11-03 Biden''s chips achievement is losing support before the money actually rolls out (www.politico.com)
233. 哈里斯開始為特朗普希望取消的 390 億美元項目助選 24-10-30 Harris starts campaigning on a 39B program that Trump wants to sink (www.politico.com)
234. 哈里斯在法西斯主義問題上猛烈抨擊特朗普。一些民主黨人認為這是一個錯誤。 24-10-29 Harris is pounding Trump on fascism. Some Dems think that’s a mistake. (www.politico.com)
235. 據報道,馬斯克與普京的通話重現了令人不安的美國傳統 24-10-26 The reported Musk-Putin calls revive an unsettling American tradition (www.politico.com)
236. 拜登的新政策對人工智能大刀闊斧--並設置了政治陷阱 24-10-25 New Biden policy takes a big swing at AI — and sets political traps (www.politico.com)
237. 卡馬拉-哈里斯是否應該擁抱琳娜-汗?民主黨人意見不一,有些人擔心這會讓她付出代價 24-10-25 Should Kamala Harris embrace Lina Khan? Democrats are split — and some worry it will cost her (www.politico.com)
239. 風暴中心亞利桑那州選舉負責人準備應對虛假信息戰 24-10-21 ‘The center of the storm’: Arizona’s election chief prepares for a disinformation battle (www.politico.com)
241. 分析:有人能阻止埃隆-馬斯克嗎?是的,埃隆-馬斯克。 24-10-16 Analysis: Can anyone stop Elon Musk? Yes, Elon Musk. (www.politico.com)
242. 億萬富翁和 "兄弟票 "的吸引力:埃隆-馬斯克為特朗普助選 24-10-11 Billionaire bucks and ‘bro vote’ appeal: Elon Musk campaigns for Trump (www.politico.com)
243. 哈里斯為何不談論拜登的成就 24-10-11 Why Harris Isn't Talking About Biden's Accomplishments (www.politico.com)
244. 拜登對谷歌的最新攻擊預示著什麼? 24-10-10 What Biden’s latest shot at Google signals for Big Tech (www.politico.com)
245. 眾議院民主黨抹去了共和黨大捐贈者的現金優勢 24-10-09 House Dems have erased Republicans’ big-donor cash advantage (www.politico.com)
247. 梅拉尼婭-特朗普表示支持墮胎權:沒有妥協的餘地 24-10-03 Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ (www.politico.com)
248. 特朗普稱將取消 TPS 計劃並驅逐斯普林菲爾德的海地移民 24-10-03 Trump says he will remove TPS and deport Haitian migrants in Springfield (www.politico.com)
249. 吉米-卡特 100 歲了。他的白宮通訊主任(現年 90 歲)也有故事要講。 24-10-02 Jimmy Carter is 100. His White House comms director — now 90 — has stories to tell. (www.politico.com)
250. 事關世界":諾貝爾獎獲得者瑪麗亞-雷薩警告美國大選是民主的 "轉折點 24-10-07 ‘What’s at stake is the world’: Nobel winner Maria Ressa warns U.S. election a ‘tipping point’ for democracy (www.politico.com)
251. 業內人士問卡馬拉-哈里斯將在拜登的反壟斷鬥爭中發揮多大作用 24-10-01 Insiders ask how much of Biden's antitrust fight Kamala Harris would keep up (www.politico.com)
252. JD Vance認為他不需要辯論準備就能擊敗Tim Walz 24-10-01 JD Vance doesn't think he needs debate prep to defeat Tim Walz (www.politico.com)
253. 我差點衝出馬路卡特獲勝信息背後的廣告執行人 24-10-01 'I almost ran off the road': The ad exec behind Carter's winning message (www.politico.com)
254. 瑪雅-魯道夫(Maya Rudolph)飾演哈里斯,丹娜-卡維(Dana Carvey)飾演拜登,為第 50 季《週六夜現場》拉開帷幕 24-09-29 Maya Rudolph as Harris and Dana Carvey as Biden open 50th season of ‘Saturday Night Live’ (www.politico.com)
255. 海倫颶風讓德桑蒂斯再次成為全國矚目的焦點 24-09-29 Hurricane Helene thrusts DeSantis back into the national spotlight (www.politico.com)
256. 拜登:中東問題仍有可能通過 "外交途徑解決 24-09-25 Biden: ‘Diplomatic solution’ still possible in the Middle East (www.politico.com)
257. 特勤局承認特朗普集會槍擊案 "失敗 24-09-21 Secret Service admits 'failure' at Trump rally shooting (www.politico.com)
258. 參議員塔伯維爾拜登和哈里斯必須盡力保護特朗普 24-09-18 Sen. Tuberville: Biden and Harris must protect Trump as much as they can (www.politico.com)
259. 白宮拒絕接受特朗普對暴力言論的指責 24-09-18 White House rejects Trump’s accusations of violent rhetoric (www.politico.com)
261. 特朗普芝加哥酒店加強了安保。他的其他房產呢? 24-09-17 Security at Trump’s Chicago hotel is stepped up. What about his other properties? (www.politico.com)
262. 美國共和黨對第二次暗殺特朗普未遂事件的反應 24-09-17 GOP reacts to second Trump assassination attempt (www.politico.com)
263. 鮑勃-凱西競選團隊不再續播招致賈邁勒-卡舒吉遺孀批評的廣告 24-09-14 Bob Casey campaign won’t renew ad that drew criticism from widow of Jamal Khashoggi (www.politico.com)
264. 特朗普堅稱贏得辯論,稱另一場辯論 "可能不會發生 24-09-11 Trump insists he won debate, says another ‘probably won’t happen’ (www.politico.com)
265. 唐納德-特朗普可能將埃隆-馬斯克變成美國寡頭 24-09-07 Donald Trump could turn Elon Musk into an American oligarch (www.politico.com)
267. 得克薩斯州當局搜查住宅後,拉丁裔投票權組織呼籲進行調查 24-08-27 Latino voting rights group calls for investigation after Texas authorities search homes (www.politico.com)
268. 辯論開始了嗎?哈里斯和特朗普在辯論中爭奪熱話筒。 24-08-26 Is this thing on? Harris and Trump battle over hot mics at debate. (www.politico.com)
269. 霍丘爾對佩洛西就2022年眾議院選舉失利提出的批評不以為然 24-08-23 Hochul balks at Pelosi criticism over 2022 House losses (www.politico.com)
271. 其實很不錯摩爾與普利茲克一起吃芝加哥風味夏多狗 24-08-23 ‘Actually pretty good’: Moore eats Chicago-style chardog with Pritzker (www.politico.com)
272. 2025 計劃 "烤肉、沃爾茨的鼓勵談話和奧普拉:民主黨全國代表大會第 3 夜花絮 24-08-22 Project 2025 roasts, a Walz pep talk, and Oprah: DNC night 3 highlights (www.politico.com)
273. 我們很好喬希-夏皮羅消除了與費特曼不和的傳言 24-08-22 ‘We’re good’: Josh Shapiro dispels talk of rift with Fetterman (www.politico.com)
274. 芝加哥市長就攻擊芝加哥犯罪問題回擊萬斯 24-08-22 Chicago mayor claps back at Vance over attack on Chicago crime (www.politico.com)
275. 伯尼-桑德斯對哈里斯競選團隊的嚴厲關愛 24-08-21 Bernie Sanders’ tough love for the Harris campaign (www.politico.com)
276. 哈里斯的副競選經理:"年輕選民至關重要 24-08-20 Harris' Deputy campaign manager: 'Young voters are critical' (www.politico.com)
278. 哈里斯在接受 MSNBC 採訪時駁斥特朗普在經濟問題上 "不嚴肅 24-09-26 Harris dismisses Trump as ‘not serious’ on the economy in MSNBC interview (www.politico.com)
279. 國會迫使拜登在芯片和氣候之間做出選擇 24-09-25 Congress forces Biden to choose between chips and climate (www.politico.com)
280. 法官嚴厲批評在人工智能起訴 Meta 案中為作者辯護的律師 24-09-21 Judge sharply criticizes lawyers for authors in AI suit against Meta (www.politico.com)
281. 拜登稱讚經濟收益,承認任重道遠 24-09-20 Biden touts economic gains, acknowledges a long way to go (www.politico.com)
282. 參議院共和黨質疑哈里斯的 "寬帶沙皇 "角色 24-09-19 Senate GOP dings Harris’ role as ‘broadband czar’ (www.politico.com)
285. 戰略家稱,競選活動需要 "回到未來 "才能觸及選民 24-09-18 Campaigns need to go 'back to the future' to reach voters, strategists say (www.politico.com)
286. 移民權利活動人士稱禁止 TikTok 將對民主 "有害 24-09-18 Immigrant rights activist says banning TikTok would be 'harmful' for democracy (www.politico.com)
287. 克洛布查對麥康奈爾阻止禁止深度造假的法案感到沮喪 24-09-18 Klobuchar frustrated at McConnell for blocking bills to ban deep fakes (www.politico.com)
288. 人工智能選舉法案停滯不前,克洛布查爾警告 "不良行為猖獗 24-09-18 Klobuchar warns of 'rampant bad behavior' as AI election bills stall (www.politico.com)
289. 有影響力的人認為,"TikTok 開闢了民主之路 24-09-18 'TikTok has opened up democracy,' influencers argue (www.politico.com)
290. 億萬富翁弗蘭克-麥考特描繪了美國人擁有的 TikTok 的願景 24-09-18 Billionaire Frank McCourt lays out a vision for an American-owned TikTok (www.politico.com)
291. TikTok 潛在買家弗蘭克-麥考特闡述 "另類 "願景 24-09-18 Prospective TikTok buyer Frank McCourt lays out vision for 'alternative' (www.politico.com)
292. 科技公司首席執行官稱明確的人工智能政策框架對創新至關重要 24-09-18 Tech CEOs say clear AI policy framework is critical for innovation (www.politico.com)
293. 拜登官員擔心開發人工智能的大公司太少 24-09-18 Biden official worried too few big companies are developing AI (www.politico.com)
294. 前特朗普首席技術官 Kratsios 稱萬斯是 "小科技 "的勝利者 24-09-18 Ex-Trump CTO Kratsios says Vance is win for 'little tech' (www.politico.com)
295. 奧伯諾特敦促紐森州長否決加州人工智能安全法案 24-09-18 Obernolte urges Gov. Newsom to veto California’s AI safety bill (www.politico.com)
296. 摩納哥:美國對手正利用人工智能加強影響力行動 24-09-18 Monaco: US adversaries are using AI to supercharge influence ops (www.politico.com)
297. 摩納哥:公職人員和選舉工作人員正面臨 "前所未有 "的威脅浪潮 24-09-18 Public officials, election workers are facing 'unprecedented' wave of threats, Monaco says (www.politico.com)
298. 參議員邁克-羅茲說,缺乏能源可能會讓人工智能 "癱瘓"。 24-09-18 Lack of energy could 'shut everything down' for AI, Sen. Mike Rounds says (www.politico.com)
299. 高級網絡官員稱美國面臨最複雜的威脅環境,人工智能使情況變得更糟 24-09-18 US in most complex threat landscape made worse by AI, top cyber official says (www.politico.com)
300. 佈雷納德警告說,美國共和黨的經濟議程將導致通脹上升 24-09-18 Brainard warns that GOP’s economic agenda would cause inflation to rise (www.politico.com)